Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, January 26, 2012

~ 16 Week Baby Belly ~

Even though I have lost about 20lbs this pregnancy thus far, I am still growing such a cute baby belly, at least me and my hubby think so. I'm able to start feeling the baby kicking and moving around. They call this "quickening". I had an OB appointment yesterday and everything went really well! My BP is the best it's ever been, not that I ever really had bad blood pressure, but it's lower than normal. I also just LOVE getting to hear the baby's heartbeat! It's my favorite part of the entire appointment.The last 17 weeks have just flown by! We only have 5 more months to go, yet I feel like we still have so much to do!

Pregnancy really is just so much fun and amazing! So much happens and changes with your body. It's really fun to see what is around the corner. There are some aches and pains and that's normal, however, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I actually, feel the healthiest I've felt in years! PCOS really takes a toll on your body, but it's amazing how "normal" I feel now that I am pregnant. I am really interested to see if my symptoms get a lot better after giving birth. I've been told this can happen and I am curious to see if I will be part of that percentage of PCOSers.

Our next ultrasound appointment isn't until February 7th. Normally, this is when we would be finding out the sex of the baby, but Kurt and I have decided not to find out. There are so few amazing surprises in life, so we are taking advantage of this one! We even have a special way of finding out the day I give birth too.

I love that I have given hope to so many other Cysters of mine! The trick is to not let negativity rule you. It's so incredibly easy to start feeling negative with getting BFN after BFN. These are the times when you need to focus on the positives of your body and cycles and hold on to those. Know and trust in your heart that you WILL get your BFP!! Being as stress-free as you can be helps wonders too.

Stay positive and keep believing fellow Cysters! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

~ We're Pregnant! ~

My Fortune!

Well, it's been a really long road! Lots of heartache, lots of bumps, but we never let it slow us down. One day, we got Chinese food when we both just felt like staying in. Well, I typically don't eat the fortune cookies as I am sort of a Fortune Cookie snob. If they don't have a touch of vanilla in them, I don't like them thinking they taste like cardboard. Well, something told me that I should open one and eat the cookie. I open it and the picture above is the fortune I got. Most of you know that Kurt and I have been trying for a baby for quite some time. The fortune gave us tons of hope as we were currently entering the two week wait.

Fast forward 12 days later..... a very good friend of mine told me that she had a dream about me being pregnant. I had some inkling that I might be, but after months of seeing negatives you tend to not want to test early. Well, something just told me to. So I took a test.

 This is the test that I took.

At first, I figured it was negative, but with a closer look, I swore I saw a second line. I immediately brought it out to Kurt and asked him if he saw a second line. He told me that he didn't see anything. Something told me to take it to work, so I did. I would continuously bring the test out of my purse and gaze at it. I kept swearing I saw a line. I texted my bestie and asked her if it's possible to want this so bad that I could go insane?!? I explained my predicament. She told me that I should call my doctor just to be safe. I called my doctor and told her that I think I got a faint positive, but wasn't sure. They had me come in ASAP for blood work.

This picture is of my arm after the bloodwork.

So the doctor called me later that day and told me that I was indeed pregnant! She said that my hCG levels were low, but that's most likely b/c it was still very early. I hadn't even had a missed period yet. So I had to go back every 48 hours at the exact same time and have my hormone levels checked. They were to rise at least 66% every 48 hours. Well, they exceeded that and then some!

All day, I had been trying to come up with ways to tell Kurt that we were finally pregnant! I decided to give him a blank card with baby feet in the front. Inside I wrote "We're Pregnant! Love, your preggo wife" Kurt sees the card and jokingly states "Are you trying to tell me something?", opens the card, reads it and with tears in his eyes, says: "No way!". I pull the positive digital pregnancy test out from behind my back (yes, I took one again when I got home... after 14 months to TTC, I wanted to see that "pregnant" for a change). I showed him the positive test, and he dropped everything, gave me the biggest hug and we sat there in amazement! We eventually just snuggled and daydreamed together about how happy we were to finally be pregnant!

The digital test I took and showed Kurt!

Kurt and I hadn't drank a drop of alcohol (not that we are big drinkers) since we decided to try for a baby. We have had an ongoing joke that as soon as we would find out that we were pregnant, we would go the the local Mexican Restaurant and Kurt would order himself a Modelo. That is one of his favorite beers. Well, the waitress we always ask for has gotten pretty close to us and she knew we were trying for a baby. Every time we'd come in, she'd ask "any news?". We finally told her that she would know when we were pregnant when we come in here and Kurt ordered a Modelo. Well, this particular night, we ordered our drinks.... she realizes that Kurt ordered a Modelo and she screams, hugs us and starts crying! This is why we love her! She then told the Manager and he came over and congratulated us! This is one of the reasons we keep going back. :)

Kurt with his Modelo!

We had our first ultrasound on 11/21/11 to make sure that everything was ok and whether or not I would be released from fertility care to a regular OBgyn. Everything was perfect. On to OBgyn care I went! So now came the big decision of when to tell our parents. We decided that we wanted to tell them all face-to-face. So we would tell my Mom, Cubby, brother and Kurt's family during Thanksgiving. We then told my Dad and Sister over Christmas. A very good friend of mine made personalized onesies for us as a way for us to deliver the good news. We had six of them made, one for my Mom, Brother, Kurt's Mom, Kurt's Sister, my Dad and my Sister. They all said something along the lines of "I love my Auntie", etc. On the back of them, they read "Coming in July 2012".  See pictures below.

Front of onesie.

Back of onesie.

At about 12 weeks along, we had another ultrasound of the baby. This was to check to chromosomal abnormalities. We opted to not have bloodwork, etc. We mainly just wanted the extra ultrasound in order to see our nugget. Our baby's heartbeat is always in the 150's, which is a really good and strong heartbeat according to my doctor. Our 12 week ultrasound was on 12/27/2011. It was incredible to see just how much our baby had grown in just five weeks!

Our nugget sleeping just like Mommy does!

It was a very long road. The road wasn't always easy, it wasn't always pleasant, but with many tears shed, snuggles and "I love you" kisses, we finally made it! We are currently in the second trimester and hoping our little nugget just keeps growing and staying strong. I still have worries, as any new mother does. I don't think I will ever stop worrying! I just make sure that I don't worry too much to hurt the baby.

I can't believe that I am going to be a Mommy!! It's absolutely an incredible feeling. I will never forget my difficult road. I am also constantly sending positive vibes and sticky baby dust to all my fellow Cysters and everyone out there struggling through infertility. I am hoping that they all get their little miracles one day!